Save my spot

Can you identify with any of these thoughts?

I feel like I’ve have lost my sense of purpose

I’m often overwhelmed and feel anxious

I feel like my body has betrayed me and don’t feel feminine any more

I have no time for myself

I feel guilty when I put myself first

I’ve spent my life taking care of others and putting their needs first

I feel invisible

I feel unappreciated


There’s part of us that wants to rebel and go for our dreams and an even bigger part that tells us we should be a good girl. To sit down. To stop drawing attention to ourselves 

(And when you do something for yourself, you’re told you’re being selfish.)

If this is your life, you know what happens next - Absolutely nothing.

Are you ready to change your life in a year?


I am obsessed with helping you become the very best version of yourself.

It’s time to take stock of where you are

It’s time to tidy up the messy bits

It’s time to figure out what you really want to do in this next chapter of your life.

It’s time to start living intentionally

Count me in

For a monthly dose of thought-provoking, life changing, mind bending awesomeness, join our monthly masterclass series. This work is so important, the first three months are free!

The first piece of the jig saw puzzle is: How We Think About Ourselves.

Sunday, February 25
3.30 – 4.30 PM AST  / 2.30 - 3.30 PM EST

What are you waiting for?