Lifestyle coaching for women who are ready for a reboot!

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I'm ready to start!

Make this your best year ever.

Life coaching for women who are ready to take ownership of their lives.

Welcome to the party – don’t forget your lipstick!

Through understanding your thoughts and recognizing when you’re spiralling and living unintentionally, reacting rather than reacting, I’ll help you reframe how you see yourself and your place in the world, and how you interact with others so you can start showing up in a way that feels intentional and brings you joy.

We’ll be analyzing thoughts, creating boundaries, and shining a spotlight to reveal what makes you the powerful, confident, totally capable and amazing woman you truly are.

Want to FINALLY feel focused, feisty, and unafraid? 

And finding the key to unlock a life you love.

Prioritizing everyone else 

Creating Boundaries





Your identity and seeing yourself as an equal

You’ve hit a stumbling block and found yourself struggling with…

I see you. You’re scared to show up, uncertain of the next turn, and exhausted by the everyday.

You’re determined not to look back on this chapter with regret.

Was it too late? Never!

I focused on my thoughts, discovered who I wanted to be, and through the tools I had learned through becoming a certified life coach, established a framework for women who want to start putting themselves first.

Two years ago, I was in debt, had gained too many pounds, and totally overwhelmed. Unless something radical happened, my life was destined to stay the same.

I’ve been there. I know this road all too well, the obstacles along the way, and most importantly, how to make it out the other side. Sometimes looking like I have been dragged through a hedge backward but always with progress and experience under my belt.

It’s time to get fabulous. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone.  

You’re never going to be going on an adventure if you can’t even bring yourself to get out of bed. You need to put in the work if you want to see real change in your life.

I’m always going to tell you straight, so here it is: If you do nothing, nothing will change. Think about that for a minute. Whether it ‘s tomorrow, next week or even next year, nothing will change until you’re ready to put yourself first. You’ve put your life on hold long enough. It’s time to chase your own dreams. Build your own future. 

This experience is all about you. I know what it’s like to feel disappointed. I’ve done the work, and now I’m here to show you the way to living a life you love.

My role in your new chapter

That framework I mentioned? Here’s how we’ll put it into action. 

Your journey to fabulous starts here

This is what I need!
How it works
My week-by-week framework tackles the things holding you back from enjoying the everyday.

  • Anxiety
  • Overwhelm
  • Avoidance (and, as a result, overindulgence)
  • Feelings
  • People Pleasing
  • Permission Seeking

These are just some of the setbacks we’ll be working through before addressing the Art of Possibility and Your Future Self.

What’s involved

This is what I need!
Back to details
  1. Fill out The Intentional Coach application form

  2. We’ll begin the three-month journey to ultimate self-understanding and appreciation

  3. We will schedule 10 x 40 minute zoom calls with two weeks for implementation

  4. Each module has a personalised journal of self-discovery for you to work through with me and in your own time.

How it works

This ten-week programme is designed to enable you to unlearn what society has taught you, to stop asking permission, to rediscover who you are at your core and not what people expect you to be. To never waver from your mission of living life to the fullest. By your rules. Your time is now.

For the woman who’s ready to fully dedicate herself to the journey of growth and self-discovery. 

1:1 Coaching

Group Coaching

Click here to join the waitlist!

The next group coaching sessions start April 2nd, 2024 and take place on Zoom. You'll have a dedicated Facebook group to ask questions and chat with other women, just like you!

Some of us thrive in a group atmosphere. If you’re seeking connection with other women on the same journey, group coaching is for you. Share experiences, alleviate burdens, and know you’re never alone with our two-month group coaching programme.

For the woman seeking connection with other women on the same journey.

How it works:

For the woman looking to have guidance on A specific topic or challenge in their life

SounDs perfect!
We’ll spend three weeks working through and overcoming this. Topics we can focus on include:

  • Feeling your feelings
  • Overwhelm
  • How to plan a year that works for you (hint – and it does mean putting yourself first)
  • Avoidance and how to manage your urges (overspend, over Netflix, overdrinking, overeating)
  • Self-confidence vs confidence
  • Challenge limiting beliefs
  • How to accomplish extraordinary goals

Is there one thing that's repeatedly getting in the way of you unapologetically living your best life? 

Focused Coaching

Got something else in mind? Tell me where you’re struggling using the contact form.

“Nikki left no stone unturned when it came to making sure every concern was addressed and …she kept me smiling throughout the process and was an absolute joy to work with at every turn”

Apply now

After the agreement has been signed and payment made, you’ll receive your personalised coaching schedule.

Step Four

On the call, we’ll discuss the programme suited to your needs.This is also an opportunity for us to get to know each other and chat about any questions you have.

Step three

You’ll receive your Zoom link and questionnaire for you to fill out before the call.

Step two

Set up a discovery call via our website.

Step one

How to apply:

I am so thrilled you’ve chosen The Intentional Coach to guide you through the most transformative stage of your life.

Your time is now!

The first step is saying yes is to yourself.

Sign me up!

I used to be a wedding planner, so I know how tough it is to say “Yes to the Dress”. With this in mind, I’d love to offer you a free discovery call, so before you make an investment, we can chat about The Intentional Coaching Programme, your expectations and which option you’d like to explore. It’s all about you!.

Book your free discovery session

is that a yes?


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